Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Eve 2010 with the Olympus XA

This drunk girl decided it would be cool to pose with the cops. They thought its was pretty funny too.
Since NYE 2009, I've gone out with friends after counting down to midnight with family. Traditionally its the latest I get home from going out, since we start so late. This year I got home at 7am. Too bad I ran out of film just before sunrise. Now I realize how important the rangefinder patch is because, looking at the results, leaving it on infinity is not a solution at all. Actually Jay told me I could just use scale focusing, but I suck at judging distance and the markings on the canera dont really help, so its a great thing Bucs told me about the patch, otherwise the XA would be next to useless. The pictures are mostly out of focus, but for some reason its ok, because I know the people in them. They're all my friends and I kind of dont care that their faces arent super clear. The pictures are a reminder of the good times I had with them and thats kind of enough for me. And now with the patch they should be clear the next time around (Basta sober). Thanks to Barbs Tiu for letting us hang in her kitchen at such an ungodly hour. Album after the jump:

The gang outside Robot. Probably around 6. Sakto, the 37th frame on the roll.

Waiting in line outside Opus. Moved to Robot after half an hour. 

Mayen outside Barbs'

Clearest photo of the night. 

Rad Bromance

Now you get what Marco was hiding from.

I cant remember what Bri was demonstrating here, but Trish seemed to like it

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